Just follow these steps to make it work: Compose your response as an JSON let say responseObject variable represent this JSON string/object Wrap the JSON response as an argument to a method call e.g. helloMethod (responseObject); where helloMethod is the method name Define this method( helloMethod ) which handles this response in the client side Lets take complete working sample: assume JSON Object as str = {"user":{"fname":"subodh","lname":"gupta","type":"blog","category":"tech"}} handleUser(str); function handleUser(str){ alert(str.user.fname);} just to complete the solution look at call below: jQuery.getJSON("http://subodh.blog.com/servlet?user=subodh&responseType=JSON", function(str) { alert(str.user.fname); }); Look at this link for details jQuery.getJSON . http://subodh.blog.com/servlet?user=subodh&responseType=JSON this could be replaced by your serv...
My Opinion.